
Thursday 3 September 2015


1) Mayo Clinic. (2014, February 13). Asthma. Retrieved from

2) World Health Organisation. (2015). Chronic respiratory diseases. Asthma. Retrieved from

3) Kids Health. Asthma. Retrieved from

4) Medical News Today. (2013, March 5). All about Asthma. Asthma History - Through the Ages. Retrieved from

5) Web MD. (2014, February 11). Asthma Health Center. Asthma Specialist. Retrieved from

6) Global Asthma Network. (2014). The Global Asthma Report. Retrieved from

7) Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. (2015, April 7). Asthma Facts And Figures. Retrieved from

8) American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. (2015). Asthma Statistics. Retrieved from

9) Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. (2015, April 7). Asthma Overview. Retrieved from

10) NHS Choises. (2014, July 31). Causes of Asthma. Retrieved from

11) Web MD. (2014, October 20). Asthma Health Center. Asthma Attack. Retrieved from

12) Web MD. (2015, January 20). Asthma Health Center. Asthma Treatments. Retrieved from

13) National Institute of Health. (2014, August 4). How Is Asthma Treated and Controlled. Retrieved from

14) Health Communities. 14 Tips to Prevent Asthma Attacks. Retrieved from

Ways to prevent Asthma

In order to become healthier, there are many ways on how to prevent Asthma.
Below are the ways on how to prevent Asthma.

1) Allergies and Asthma prevention

It is important for Asthma patients to avoid things that will make their Asthma become worse. They also have to avoid things that makes them allergic such as fur, smoke, and many more. By avoiding the things that we have allergic on can help prevent the Asthma attack.

2) Avoid colds

If people surrounding us have a cold or flu, we must avoid them cause the Asthma symptoms will become much worse if we got the infection. We also must wash our hands frequently so that there will be no harm or any infection.

3) Avoid smoke

Even smoking are bad, lots of people loves to smoke even though they know it will harm them later on. In order to be healthy, we must avoid it so that we will become healthier. It is a facts that smoking will always makes Asthma become worse. We also have to avoid all kind of smoke such as tobacco, incense, candles, fires, and fireworks.

4) Avoid stress

We must enjoy on everything that we do and feel relax and calm about it. Bad feelings such as worry and stress often makes the Asthma symptoms become worse.

Treatment for Asthma

As we know, Asthma is a disease that have no cure, but in order to be healthy, there are some treatment that can control the Asthma attack. Below are the examples of treatment for Asthma.

1) Medicines

Medicines is very important for people that are suffering from Asthma. The medicines also was been given by the doctors which they think it is suitable for their patient. People that are suffering from Asthma also must always take the medicines every day according on it instruction and use it correctly. They also can't skip their medicines or else they will have a difficulty on controlling the Asthma attack.

2) Use a peak flow meter

By using the peak flow meter, we can know how well our lungs is. It also can makes people alert if they had an Asthma attack before they notice about it.

3) Avoid things that can make the Asthma become worse

It is a facts that there are a lot of things that can make the Asthma become worse. If a person want to control his Asthma, he must know what are the thing that will make his Asthma become worse, and after that he should avoid it. For example, if you had a cat, try to placed it outside your bedroom or house. If you can't avoid it, try to limit it so that it will not harm your health.

4) Preventive checkups

If you did the preventive checkup, you will have the information on how well your Asthma is. Usually at the begin treatment,  Asthma patient will often see their doctor, but ones their Asthma become much better and is controlled, they only have to see their doctor for a few time. The amount of medicines that they have to take also will become more less.

Types of Asthma medications

Hello guys! 
In this post, I want to give the information to all of you regarding the Asthma medications.
There are three major types of Asthma medications such as pills, inhalers, and nebulizer.

1) Asthma pills

There are two types of pills that usually been used for Asthma treatment.  The first one is called Steroids, and the other one is other Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. 
Both of the pills are very important for those people who are suffering from Asthma. It will help them feel better by reduce the swelling and focus production in the airways.  

2) Asthma Inhalers

The most effectual ways to deliver asthma drugs (in a form of gas) to the lungs is by using Asthma inhaler. Asthma inhaler have different types and different colours. All of the inhalers have a different function on how to use it, what is the contain, when to use it and many more.

3) Asthma Nebulizer

Asthma Nebulizer will be used when the inhaler is not working, or for those who didn't have the inhaler. Asthma nebulizer is a mouthpiece or mask that usually been used by anyone who had a difficulty in breathing including kids and senior citizen. It is also in a form of mist, so that it will easily inhaled into the lungs. Using the nebuliser also takes time rather than take the inhaler. 

Types of Asthma

When talk about Asthma, there are many types of Asthma that can be found. But in this entry, I want to focus on three types of Asthma which is Exercise-Induced Asthma, Cough-Variant Asthma, and Nighttime (Nocturnal) Asthma. So let's gather more information about the types of Asthma.


Exercise-Induced Asthma is a type of Asthma that occur by physical exertion or exercise.  There are many Asthma patients and normal people including Athletes whom experience the symptoms during exercise.  The example of symptoms that they might get is coughing and wheezing.


Cough-Variant Asthma is a type of Asthma that cause a serious coughing which is predominant symptom. The reason of why people getting Cough-Variant is commonly because of exercise and respiratory functions. The other causes of coughing is Sinusitis, Postnasal Drip, Gastroesophageal Reflux disease, and Postnasal Drip.


In other words, Nighttime Asthma also were called as Nocturnal Asthma. People who had Asthma are more exposed to this disease because the sleep-wake cycle have influence the Asthma. The symptoms that they might get is such as trouble breathing, wheezing and cough. According to statistic also, it stated that most of people who died during sleep time is because of Asthma.

Effects of Asthma

Hello, we meet again. So in this entry, I will provide you about the effects of Asthma.
Like any other disease, Asthma also had tons of its effects which is very harmful. Below are the effects that I can provide you with.

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Chest tightness and pressure
  • Tightened neck and chest muscles
  • Difficulty in talking
  • Feels panic or anxiety
  • Face become pale and sweat
  • Lips turn blue
  • Peak flow meter readings was reduced
  • Shortness of breath
  • Having nasal congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feels tired for the whole day
  • Limitation of activities
  • Slouching over
  • Fast breathing
  • Trouble sitting still
  • Crankiness 

Factors of Asthma

Hello again. Besides having Asthma attack because of the common causes such as allergies and everything, there are some major factors of Asthma that we posses since childhood.

1) Family history

What do I mean by family history is perhaps one of your family members might have an Asthma before or different allergic disease that is related to Asthma such as Eczema, food allergy and Hay Fever. This disease also known as Atopic Conditions.

2) Childhood exposure to tobacco smoke

This also considered as the main factors of Asthma. Women in this era often smoke just like men even when they are pregnant. So this might be the reason of why some of us get Asthma since early childhood.

3) Having serious condition

The examples of having serious condition is such as the child was having a Bronchiolitis, was being born prematurely and even when the baby is born, their weight will become not normal and skinny because of the restricted growth inside the womb.